“Your best days are still ahead of you.”

Hello & welcome to my space! Come and get to know me!

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Assalamualaikum everyone! First and foremost I would like to say thank you to those that have helped me made it this far. I hope that this platform will help any one of you when you need some positive pick-me-ups through some of the services that I offer. Not only that, this platform allows easy access for brands or media to get in touch with me!

Over the years, I have gained many friendships and supporters from the engagements, talks that I’ve done and also my books. I would like to show my appreciation through this personal website by offering a variety of products and services that will suit each and everyone of you.

Looking forward to see what the future holds for this space! Hoping that I can foster closer relationship with my supporters and partners. Once again thank you for all the love and support thus far. May Allah bless you!

Foreword by Ustaz Mizi Wahid

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